trump vs biden

Trump vs Biden: Fanaticism or Retirement!

After Joe Biden’s withdrawal from candidacy, the question “Trump vs Biden” may seem meaningless, but please think again after reading the article until the end. ๐Ÿ™‚ If you remember, the US Presidential elections held in November 2020 made history in every aspect. Joe Biden had won the election albeit by a small margin and had become the 46th president of the United States. In the wake of that historical election what happened afterwards are very interesting events that went down in American and World political history. In this series of events, Trump‘s declaration that he won the election before the results were finalized and his subsequent statement that he did not recognize the election results shocked everyone.

His speech on January 6, 2021, when the results were officially recognized and his invitation to his supporters to the Capitol were extraordinary events for American democracy. He called for his supporters to march to in front of the American Congress. It is obvious that these shocking events which resulted 9 people killed had shameful consequences for American democracy. On the other hand, as we approach the 2024 US Presidential Elections, everyone’s mind is wondering Trump vs Biden? just like in 2020. Along with this, if you ask what the American and world public opinion thinks about a new Trump-Biden race, the polls are not very encouraging for either candidate. ๐Ÿ™‚

trump vs biden

Recent surveys conducted in America show that especially young voters now want different and young new candidates. When they are asked as Trump vs Biden? They answer that question as “none of them”. In other words, young people now want new faces in American politics.

In this context, in the survey conducted by NORC, an internal institution of the international news agency Associated Press, approximately 60 percent of the participants stated that they did not want to support both candidates in the 2024 American presidential elections.

According to the same survey, the results on a party basis are even more surprising. In other words, the support of the democrats for Joe Biden’s candidacy remained just at 49 percent in the survey. On the other hand, the support for Trump’s candidacy among Republicans surveyed exceeds 65 percent. We actually need to stop and think here.

trump or biden

These results show that; Although American voters find Trump tactless, bigoted and extremely conservative, Biden’s old age scares them more. At this very moment, let visualize the scenes of Joe sometimes raising his hand to the void and trying to shake hands with himself or sometimes falling down because he cannot walk. Under these conditions, while voters normally do not want both, when they are asked the question of Trump vs Biden? it will probably not seem strange to you that they choose Trump.

At this stage, if we turn our eyes to the “general surveys” regarding the 2024 US Presidential election, for example according to the survey on Wikipedia, Donald Trump is leading the presidential race with a margin of nearly 5 percent. So, although the voters now want new faces, it seems that in the current situation; they will not be able to see a different presidential candidate in the elections.

trump biden race 2024

Meanwhile, according to polls, the incumbent president has never performed so poorly in public opinion polls, with so little time left until the presidential election. In other words, Joe Biden’s poor performance in the polls and his decreasing credibility among the American people gradually increase Trump’s chances in the November 5, 2024 US Presidential elections.

Actually, while the Republican candidate Trump gains points from the more conservative and nationalist segment, the Democratic candidate Biden receives votes from a large segment of the public who are left-wing and believe in international institutions.

Again, according to some survey results, Trump is the closest to the presidency among the current candidates in the eyes of the general American public even though he has some disadvantages.

In this context, the pros and cons of Trump can be listed as:

  • He became very popular with the MAGA Movement by showing a patriotic discourse,
  • The perception that he was treated unfairly in the November 2020 US Presidential elections had an impact on his voters,
  • The USA had a relatively good economic performance during his presidency,
  • With his harsh rhetoric and stance, he portrays a “strong” leader, especially when looking at Biden,
  • The fact that he has created a better mediator image with the relations he has established with countries such as North Korea and Russia.  By the way, let’s not forget foreign policy also has an impact on the answers to the question of Trump vs Biden?
  • Even though they are three years apart, he looks much more vigorous, agile and active than his rival,
  • On the other hand, there are also negative opinions about him such as he is extremely bigoted.
  • The issue of corruption is the second biggest problem facing him. There are many files pending in the courts about Trump, from tax evasion cases to corruption files.
  • He does not hesitate to use rhetoric that may mean to hate speech against immigrants and Muslims,
  • He doesnโ€™t hesitate to take actions that may endanger world trade in order to have a positive impact on America’s foreign trade deficit.
us presidential election 2024

On the other hand, Joe Biden also has positive and negative characteristics in the eyes of American voters. If we list them;

  • His most positive feature is that he is on the liberal side. We want to mean that he is someone who believes in international cooperation. At this point, perhaps his most important and positive side in the eyes of the voters is that -unlike Donald Trump- he does not hesitate to make sacrifices when necessary for the continuation of the liberal world order, without saying “America first”.
  • Being moderate and not using harsh rhetoric towards immigrants, Muslims and others,
  • Not making statements that would put the world economy at risk, such as trade wars,
  • Constantly stating that he believes in the rule of law with his more general and soft statements on important issues such as corruption, abortion and justice,
  • On the other hand, Biden also has some characteristics that are seen as negative by the voters. So, Trump vs Biden? The answer to the question is also affected by these features. His most negative feature is his age. Unfortunately, he leaves the impression of a “confused” and old-fashioned leader in the eyes of the voters due to his age. It is thought-provoking for voters that Biden, who will be about to turn 82 on November 5, 2024, on election day, will be 86 years old if he remains in office for 4 more years.
  • In addition, his lack of a “strong” leader image that will lead the “world’s superpower” due to his slowness of movements creates a negative impression.
us presidential election 2024
  • From an economic perspective, Joe Biden, who had a presidential period that coincided with interest rate increases especially, displayed a relatively less successful economic performance than Trump. This is actually reflected in their scores in public surveys.
  • According to some voters, it is negative that he does not see America as a priority and displays a liberal approach that serves the world order. In other words, not bringing trade wars to the agenda and giving more importance to international cooperation has somewhat shaken his image in the eyes of the some American people.
biden endorses kamala harris for us presidential election campaign

It’s time to make a general evaluation in the light of all this information and the pros and cons ๐Ÿ™‚ It should be noted at this point that; As we approach the US Presidential elections on November 5, who will be the 47th President of America affects the whole world.

The answer of the question “Trump vs Biden?” will have very different effects on trade wars, international politics and the entire world economy. It is clear that if Trump wins, we will face a different world; if Biden wins, we will face a very different world ๐Ÿ™‚ In this context, due to Biden’s “age problem”, there is a high probability that Donald Trump will win in the elections to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 and become the 47th President of the United States.

Finally, this question may seem a bit meaningless after Biden announced on July 21, 2024 that he was withdrawing from the 2024 US Presidential elections as the Democratic candidate. On the other hand, Kamala Harris means a bit J. Biden and a bit Obama. Therefore, the content of this article actually shows or reflects Harris’ chances a bit. At this stage, K. Harris’ chances are low. Especially after the July 13, 2024 Pennsylvania assassination attempt on Trump, whoever the Democratic candidate is, his chances have decreased.

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