Grapes of Wrath: Analysis of of John Steinbeck’s Masterpiece

The history of world literature is generally full of novels that deal with emotional and painful events. While reading these works, sometimes we feel sorry for Prince Andrei, as in War and Peace, and sometimes we feel pain while spending the last day of the Condemned Man with him. In line with that the Grapes […]

Credit Score: 5 Essential Tips to Boost & Be Financial Free

When you see the title, if you are not a banker, have not researched financial literacy, and have not been to financial institutions much in the past, please do not be upset. In this article, we will briefly analyse topics such as “what is a credit score?” and how to increase it?, with jargon that […]

Mastering Interview in English: 7 Essential Tips for Success

When we step into business life or change our current job, the interview phase is one of the most difficult issues. In other words, questions like what kind of questions will be asked or will I be able to express myself well continue until the interview starts. Especially if this job interview will be in […]

The Industrial Revolution: How It Changed the World Forever!

There are some major events that changed world history. These events are unforgettable even if centuries have passed. The agricultural revolution is such a revolution, where humanity came from nomadic communities and settled on the land, and cultivated the land to produce food to feed itself. Historians thought that the most important movement in world […]

What is Communism? Interesting Principles and Origins!

It is very clear that if we examine world history, we see that it is also a history of conflicts. Throughout history, these struggles have sometimes decreased and sometimes increased to the point of causing world wars. In connection with this, those interested in international politics read the history of these struggles from different perspectives. […]

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