Learn English Free: Tips for Learning by Yourself!

The phrase “learn English free” will seem like a very exciting concept to you if you are currently a university student or just starting out in your career. After all, when you consider the advantages and benefits that learning a foreign language will bring, it is very attractive to do this without paying money. On […]

Career Planning: Individual Development Tips!

The question of “What do people value most in life?” is very valuable. This question is as important as it is valuable in terms of directing our future. According to research, the answer to this question for the vast majority of employees has been determined as family first and then career. After all, you spend […]

Taking Out a Loan: Top Tips for Things to Consider!

We all feel nervous when we go to a bank or financial institution. After all, if we are there to get a personal loan, it is normal to be a little nervous because of the embarrassment of asking for a loan. Especially if we go to the bank branch unprepared, we are doomed. It is […]

Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks!

Worldwide well-known historian, philosopher and academic Noah Harari’s new book “Nexus” hit the shelves on September 10. The title of this book has a very interesting meaning. With this word, which means network, point of contact or connection point in English, the author implies the intersection or point of contact between “artificial intelligence” and “information […]

Bismarck: The Most Powerful Man in German History!

Born in 1815 in the state of Bundenburg in the north of today’s Germany, Otto Von Bismarck had a lucky childhood. Unlike the childhood of many important men, his early years were spent in abundance. In other words, Otto was born into an aristocratic landowner family. Thanks to his very good and healthy diet for […]

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