Tips for Job interviews cover

Tips for Job Interviews: Preparing for and Skills!

After a long education life, it is now time to climb the career ladder fast and powerfully. After the long job application process, which are generally online, it is time to enter the interviews and now the excitement is at its peak 🙂 Dressed, shaved make-up is completed and the excitement is at a high level also. The moment of the interview comes and time stops for a while and suddenly it starts to flow again in interview time. So, There are the most common questions in job interviews of course. It is important to know the dos and don’ts in job and bank interviews. Here we have compiled all these facts and analysis for you. Please read this tips for job interviews article until the end 🙂

Before reading the details of these steps, let us state that you should briefly introduce yourself before starting the interview. Starting to speak directly without giving short information such as your name, surname and the school you graduated from can leave a negative impression 🙂

Here are 6 very important life-saving tips during job interviews;

  • 1- Dressing and appearance are important 🙂
  • 2- A light make-up and a nice shave
  • 3- Look into the eyes!
  • 4- Trust yourself, don’t let your voice tremble
  • 5- Be natural, be yourself and don’t pretend 🙂
  • 6- Your tone of voice is important, diction is very important!

Appearance is Important

job interview skills

Before moving on to interview tips, we would like to give brief information. The most common problem experienced by interview candidates is that they feel too excited during the interview. First of all, you should know that the interviewer knows that you are very excited and considers this normal. Moreover, other candidates, just like you, are also very excited, and the truth is that excitement is a must for this interview process. So, it is very normal to feel excited during the interview. The important thing is to know that it is normal to get excited in an important interview. You should just try to stay calm and to manage this excitement during the job interview.

First, you should try to empathize. In other words, how would you feel if you were the human resources (HR) specialist conducting the interview and you thought that the person entering the room did not pay attention to their appearance? Of course, we do not mean expensive or luxurious clothing by taking care of the dress 🙂 It will be enough to make the HR specialist feel that that day is an important day for you. For example, for men, it can be a suit that is usually not brown or a linen trousers and a sports jacket that does not go into extreme. For women, it can be a stylish blouse and skirt or trousers under a jacket, even if it is sporty. As we have mentioned before, you should freely decide on the details of the clothes within the framework of the dimensions mentioned.

However, the preferences that show the other party that you care about the interview day, will always take you one step ahead from other candidates. This is a good start for tips for job interviews is not it?

most useful tips for the job interviews

Light make-up – a nice shave

What will be evaluated at the interview stage is your competencies and the extent to which your competencies match with the qualifications sought for the vacant position. In this context, the question of what competencies have to do with dress or hair and make-up may come to our minds. The point to be made at this point is that an exaggerated make-up or a bad haircut should not get in the way of your competencies by attracting excessive attention of HR specialist. As we mentioned in the first item, emphatize and imagine that the job interview candidate comes to the job interview with an overly exaggerated or marginal haircut or make-up. At that moment, this situation may prevent you from objectively evaluating the other party, for example if you are an HR specialist.

Look eyes! Tips for Job Interviews

In recent years, it is obivous that the issues of social intelligence (EQ), communication power and adapting to the community / team have started to gain more importance than the issues related to analytical and numerical intelligence. Confident and warm-hearted candidates who make the other party (the interviewer) feel it, with high social skills and communication power, will always be one step ahead. Therefore, we should underlined that at this point, in order to emphasize these features, you should look into the eyes of the other party (of course the interviewer) while speaking during the interview. A candidate who constantly averts his eyes may be perceived as insecure and may also raise doubts about the authenticity of his words.

It is a fact proven by scientific studies that people listen better to people speaking by looking into their eyes. Additionally, people you talk to can focus on you more easily by looking into their eyes. Be sure that it will be beneficial for the interviewer to listen to you better and focus on you better in a job interview.

job interviewers and tips

Trust yourself!

It is obvious that during the interview, we give many messages with our body language. The most important one of these messages is “do not tremble your voice” which is in the fourth item of our list above. In this context, just like looking into the eyes directly, not trembling your voice will be an important sub-message to the interviewer. A candidate whose voice is constantly shaking while speaking will not be very positive candidate for HR specialist. For instance, think just a second about that when you talk about yourself during a bank or job interview and you say “I’m a self-confident person.” while you are making a sentence like this, your voice is trembling and you are constantly looking away from the other side. Just visualize this scene for a moment 🙂

However, many studies conducted around the world show that self-confident people are more successful than others. In other words, people who are self-confident and make the other party feel this are more advantageous in job interviews. At this point, self-improving, visionary and self-confident candidates will impress the interviewer in job interviews and will probably get the job.

Be natural, be yourself 🙂

Before you enter the interview, you will probably read many articles and resources, watch videos, just like you read here. All of them will give you information on how to behave during the interview, what to do and what not to do. The important thing here is to apply these tips or advices through your own mental filter and apply them in accordance with your own structure, character and personality. So what we want to say briefly is: don’t pretend 🙂 The human resources specialist in front of you meets with dozens of candidates every day. Maybe he’s been doing this for years. If you think about it, you understand that with the experience of the HR specialist can analyse you from a word or an action you make without realizing it.

For example, if you try to explain how you are a patient person and how you listen to people very well during the interview and at the same time if you are interrupting HR specialist constantly while the specialist is talking (perhaps even without realizing it) and if you do not show the necessary patience to wait for him or her to finish, this will leave a bad impression to specialist. It is very important to knowing yourself and being aware of your features will add a plus to you in the interview process. In this concept, it is obvious that by acting in harmony with your own characteristics during the interview, you can get positive results without “acting” and only by being yourself.

job interview tips for applicants

Voice and Tips for Job Interviews!

Interviews are a part of life after all. In other words, the more important your tone and diction are when speaking in life, for example at home or at work, it is a little more important in a job or bank interview. So, it could be said that how well you can express yourself during the interview is measured by the words you use. However, how you express these words, the tone of your voice and your diction is also very important. If you cannot make the necessary emphasis and use your diction properly when talking about a very important subject, your expression power will definitely weaken.

At this point, we have told you 6 ways and tips to be successful in job interviews. You can also read our article about the most common and frequently asked questions and answers in job interviews here. On the other hand, you learn Interview Types and details in here. The suggestions here are to help you. In addition, please note that different qualifications will be required depending on the requirements of the job you are applying for. In this context, keep in mind that no matter what your age, you need to constantly renew yourself in this digital era.

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