Rupert Murdoch Retired: Unraveling the Legacy of a Media Mogul

A business success story going on nearly 70 years in the web of politics, gossip, love and international relations. Yes, we are not talking about the “Succession TV series” which tells about a famous media empire and power struggles. We recommend you to watch this series which tells the inside story of the events and scandals in the American presidential elections, business world and media. However, our subject in this article is not the subject of the TV series today 🙂 The announcement of the owner of Fox and News Corp. American Media Emperor Rupert Murdoch ‘s retirement, leaving his eldest son instead, hit the world media agenda.

Rupert, the leader of the Murdoch media corporations and family, which he started at the age of 22 and eventually reached the power to influence even the American governments globally, announced that it was time to retire with a message to his employees.

Young Rupert Murdoch

Moreover, he emphasized that he would continue as the honorary president, continuing with different roles and stating that “the time has come” for him.

 “Our companies are at least as healthy as I am. I see more opportunities than challenges in the future and I am very hopeful about it. We have many reasons to be optimistic about the future, and I am hopeful.

Rupert, who included these statements in his message to his employees, was replaced by his eldest son, Lachlan, Fox News CEO. He also said in his message to his employees:  “Throughout my life and business life, I have always been interested in news and ideas. So, i will continue this way from now on of course.” In addition that it is very obvious that R. Murdoch shaped American politics and guided American and world politics with his news.

Considering that we live in the age of information and news, we also understand how such large media empires affect world politics. In this context, his retirement will start a new era. It is a matter of curiosity how this period will affect world politics, especially America.

Who is Rupert Murdoch? Early Life and Rise to Power

rupert murdoch wives

Rupert Murdoch, who started his journalism career in Australia at the age of 22, managed to grow his companies and turn them into a giant media empire with his determination and hard work. In particular, Fox News, which he founded in 1996, achieved great success in a short time and became the most watched news channel in America. If any of you watch the American Fox News channel, you will have noticed that it almost constantly makes news criticizing or targeting the Democrats or Joe Biden 🙂 As we have mentioned before, Fox News and the Murdoch family, which direct American politics, are close to Republicans.

In other words, in today’s structure, Fox News and R.Murdoch are on the right side of American politics, close to the conservative Donald Trump. Murdoch, who has a controversial political influence in this respect, has also been criticized a lot for his closeness with former President Trump.

lachlan murdoch and his father

Murdoch has undertaken important positions in his professional career such as managing large and influential newspapers such as The Sun and Wall Street Journals. Additionally, in his farewell message, he thanked everyone working in his company, from the servants to the top personnel. On the other hand, Murdoch is talked about not only for his successes in business life and his influence on politics 🙂 The big boss was married 4 times and had 6 children from these marriages, two of these children are boys. The Murdoch family, which is among the big families that allegedly rule the world and is mentioned in conspiracy theories from time to time, has always denied these allegations.

In this context, it is a matter of curiosity what will happen next under the management of the new boss Lachlan Murdoch (Rupert Murdoch’s eldest son) who took over the management of companies.

The New Boss: Legacy and Future Influence

bio of owner fox tv

Lachlan Murdoch, the heir to the large media empire and now his boss, is 53 years old. Those who worked with him describe Lachlan as someone who is passionate about business, has rules and is successful.  After his father announced his decision to retire, Lachlan Murdoch published a message and stated that he “congratulated his father for this incredible success over 70 years and his great contributions to the company and he believes that they will take their company to even better places with his footsteps and vision.

In this concept, Lachlan, who grew up alongside his father and learned the business, became a senior manager in the family company in the 1990s. He then became the CEO of Fox News in the early 2000s.


This media empire whose relations with American politicians have always been controversial, has agreed to pay a fine of approximately 790 Million dollars for manipulation of the 2020 American Presidential Elections. According to international organizations, it is estimated that Rupert Murdoch alone has an asset of approximately $9 billion, while the family manages a total asset of approximately $18 billion. When viewed in this context, it would not be wrong to state that the media empire led by Lachlan Murdoch will influence and perhaps determine American politics and agenda from now on, as it did during the father’s period.

Especially as we are so close to the American Presidential elections in November 2024, we can recommend you to watch the episodes of the “Succession TV Series” about the presidential elections. In addition, it is very important to follow the developments in American media giants in line with the vision of personal development and continuous self-renewal. In this way, it is possible to understand how world politics will be shaped in the near future.

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