Top Online Interview Tips: How to Succeed in Virtual World!

In an increasingly globalized world with the rapid integration of the internet into daily life at the beginning of the 21st century, it is no longer possible to escape online interview, just as we cannot escape online education, meetings or recipes. Especially considering that everything has switched to an online system after the COVID-19 pandemic, it is considered normal for many workplaces to conduct their recruitment interviews in the form of virtual interview.

If we go back to those days, if you remember, when everyone was literally confined to their homes, many processes started to take place online and via the Zoom application. Institutions and organizations immediately adapted to this situation and moved their recruitment processes to digital and started online interview. Even though the hybrid structure was transitioned to after the pandemic, the issue of virtual job interviews continued to remain on the agenda and did not lose its importance.

In this article, we discuss this issue, which is very important for your career management and personal development.Please remember that these topics are very popular today and it is important to have knowledge about them.

virtual interview tips

Why Online Interviews Are the New Normal

online video interview

In fact, we could answer the question of what o online interview is as a digitalized version of a physical job interview. In other words, what an interview in a physical environment is under normal conditions, it is transferred to the digital environment in a virtual interview. Accordingly, it is conducted via mostly Zoom which is accepted the best video interview software. In general, what you should pay attention to in a physical interview should also be taken into consideration during a virtual interview. So, as some people say or imply, digital interview is not actually such a magical or very different concept, so please let’s take it easy ๐Ÿ™‚

In this concept, some of our friends state that they cannot feel comfortable when they are not in a physical office environment and that they get nervous especially during digital job interview at home. Please do not forget that the human resources specialist in front of you is aware that you are in a home environment and therefore will find it normal for you to be nervous.

On the other hand, it should be noted that although the two concepts are related to a job interview, you have more freedom and space to use your body language in a physical environment. Unfortunately, relatively little of our body language comes into play during an online interview system. As we will detail in the tips and important points section below, tone of voice, eye contact and friendliness become much more important in the digital environment in digital interview.

Preparing for an Online Interview: Key Steps to Success

There are basically no significant differences between the questions asked in traditional interviews conducted in a physical environment and online interview questions. On the other hand, as a natural necessity of keeping up with the digital age, candidates’ digital aptitude and digital cognitive competencies are evaluated in virtual interview. If we look at it from this perspective, digital interview system becomes advantageous for interviewer due to fact that there is less opportunity to test the candidate’s technologic cognitive competencies in traditional interviews.

how to prep for virtual interview

In line with these facts, it is obvious that there are more opportunities in this regard in the digital environment. In this context, you should be get used to online interview equipment also. For example, letโ€™s assume that you are a human resources specialist and assume that when you start the virtual interview, you see that the candidate does not know how to turn on his camera or mute his voice on Zoom. Imagine meeting a candidate who has never used Zoom application or web site before.

It is clear that in such situations, a candidate who has used Zoom many times before or who seems to have a good command of the application will be much ahead for getting the job. It should be noted at this point that; Even if the interview takes place in a physical environment, it will be important to emphasize your cognitive and digital skills and aptitude.

Online Interview Sample Questions

In this context, we could give some sample questions for the new generation virtual interview ;

  • What is your opinion and perspective on digitalization?
  • Can you evaluate the impacts of digitalization on business life?
  • Is there a role you would like to lead within the scope of digital transformation?
  • Do you believe that digital transformation increases efficiency? If so why?
  • What might be the impact of artificial intelligence joining the workforce on business life?
  • Do you think virtual interview system reflect the real performance of the candidates?
  • Do you think online interview can be successful for everyone?

Tips for Answering Questions Confidently in a Virtual Setting

virtual job interview tactics

As a generation that is accustomed to interviews conducted in physical environments, it is true that we are a little nervous about interviews conducted via Zoom. ๐Ÿ™‚ But we should adapt immediately and say that the only thing that does not change is change itself. ๐Ÿ™‚ Even though we cannot find the sincerity and warmth of the physical environment in the digital environment, we can at least try to create a warm and friendly environment in the digital interview by adapting ourselves and our behaviours.

At this point, we will try to provide you with tips or what needs to be done to be successful in a virtual interview. We would like to list these items, information or tactics just to give you an idea.

Technical Setup: Ensuring a Smooth Virtual Experience

We would like you to look at it from the perspective we mentioned before again, please put yourself in the shoes of the human resources specialist who will conduct the interview and evaluate the candidate. Let assume that the candidate in front of you arrives late for the interview and assume that the candidate tries to explain this with an excuse such as “the microphone and the camera did not work”  When you think about it, you’re not quite convinced, are you? We ask you, please do not put yourself in this situation.

online job tips

In other words, not during the virtual interview, but at least 1 or 2 hours before the job interview, check the microphone, camera or internet settings and make sure they are all working smoothly. At this point, we would like to mention one detail. Even if you have a wireless internet connection at home, we recommend that you use a wired internet connection. Please keep in mind that any interruption in the wireless connection, even if it is for a second or moment, may distract you. Accordingly, if possible, plug the Ethernet cable into your computer and feel the security of a wired connection during an online job interview ๐Ÿ™‚

How to Dress for an Online Interview: Virtual Professionalism

how to dress in zoom

There are various rumours and speculations about this subject ๐Ÿ™‚ In fact, some popular videos circulating on the internet show funny images of business people wearing shorts under suits. Firstly we want you to ask yourself this question of “How should I dress during an online interview on Zoom?” Actually it is up to you! Do you think you would be able to give yourself fully to the interview if you were wearing a jacket, tie and at the same time shorts (!) during a virtual interview for a job you are very interested in? If your answer to this question is yes, we could encourage you to wear shorts during the interview ๐Ÿ™‚

But please let’s be realistic. The body and human psychology are a whole. In other words, while we are wearing shorts and feeling relaxed, can we keep our current mood serious as a whole during an interview? We leave the answer to this up to you. Apart from this detail, as we mentioned in our TIPS ABOUT INTERVIEWS and traditional interview questions-answers articles, we can wear the clothes we wear during the physical interview during the zoom job interview.

In this section we just wanted to give you your opinion about the parts of our body that are not visible on camera. In light of all this information and comments, the decision of course belongs to you.

True Light is important in Virtual Interview

digital job interviews

Compared to physical classical interviews, one of the most important issues about virtual interview is the silence of the environment and the right light. In some environments, the light is so bad that the other party may not be able to see you clearly, even if your camera is good. You will appreciate that it is very important for your face to appear clearly in an online job interview held digitally. Another important issue is that the environment is quiet.

If there is excessive ambient sound or noise coming from the background while you are speaking, there will be a risk of your words not being understood or misunderstood. Finally, it should be noted that it is very important to conduct the online interview in an environment where lighting is good and sufficient silence is provided.

Body Language and Eye Contact: Connecting Through the Screen

Eye contact, which is normally important even in classical interview, since you are not in a physical environment becomes even more important during an virtual interview. It is a known fact that people do not think very positively about people who donโ€™t provide eye contact directly.

Additionally carefully listening is important. Since there is no physical environment or close contact, you need to listen and understand the other person very well. In addition, if the human resources specialist thinks that you answer questions without clearly listening and understanding, the interviewer will not have a positive impression about you.

Take Notes in Online Interview!

Generally, people who take notes leave a positive impression on the other party. People who take notes in meetings, training or any other session give the impression that they take the subject seriously and write down important topics to remember later. At this point, we recommend that you take notes and make it clear during the interview, especially if the interviewer mentions any special situation about the job or you.

So, be sure that taking notes is not a difficult task and will leave a positive impression on your behalf for the other party or the interviewer.

interviewer tips

Online Interview Etiquette: Doโ€™s and Donโ€™ts

If you have read our article up to this point, it means that you already have serious knowledge about online interview topic. It is time to test this information for the last time before the final. In this context, our suggestion to you; At least one day before the online interview, you should dress up and sit in front of the computer as if you were actually in the real interview.

Afterwards, you can test the camera, microphone and internet connection and give yourself a testing interview. If possible, you can also send a trial Zoom invitation to a friend or family member and rehearse the virtual interview. (why not yourself?) Then, give the sample answers you prepared to the sample questions out loud, as if you were standing in front of a human resources specialist. We also recommend that you keep time at this stage. If possible, if you record this test conversation via Zoom and watch it later, you will have the opportunity to correct any errors that catch your eye. By the way, in order to search for jobs click here ๐Ÿ™‚

Believe us, if you do this, your self-confidence will increase and during the interview you will say to yourself, “I already did this yesterday, today is a little different, but why can’t I do it?”

Good luck in advance ๐Ÿ™‚

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