Generally, we all write “medium” in the foreign language section on the introductory forms given before job interviews π When evaluating himself, a person is not brave enough to say “low” and is generally not assertive or brave enough to say “high“. On the other hand, “I understand English, but I can’t speak it :)” is another expression we often hear during graduate, doctoral or job interviews. If we look at the issue from this perspective, English speaking is one of the most difficult and controversial stages of the language learning process.
While learning the language, from the beginner level to the “Advanced” level, the speaking stage always remains in the minds of students or candidates as a problem or the most difficult threshold to overcome.
In this context, we attach great importance to learning and speaking that language in terms of both career management and personal development.
Why Speaking English Confidently Matters
As you all guessed, our answer to this question will be βto practice speaking English a lotβ. In this regard, it is clear that unfortunately there is no magic wand to improve your skill and speak very well. As linguists constantly state, in order to speak very well, our priority is to be a very good listener. In other words, listening comes first and then spoken language follows.

Furthermore, scientists compare the process of learning a foreign language to the process of a baby learning its native language. In other words, just like a baby listens to the native language spoken in family for a long time during the language development process, it is very important that listen to foreign language a lot in the first stage of learning English. (even if we do not understand it at first.) In the wake of that, this listening process will plant the seeds of English in our brains and in the depths of our minds. Believe or not, you will see great benefits from this in the future.
After passing the listening process, it will be time to gradually English speaking practice. By the way, of course, we should not skip the part about reading in English. In line with, we do not want to emphasize again and again that learning should be a part of our daily lives π Our Spoken language will also develop naturally as part of this process. In other words, after passing the listening and reading processes, we will gradually accumulate enough information and data in our minds to speak the language.
How to Practice Speaking English Alone

If spoken a foreign language is a problem, speaking “good” English is seen as a separate and bigger problem π Actually English speaking is not a problem, please do not think like that π Below are some web sites-applications or tips and tactics that will help you solve this problem(!) we will give.
- Above all, raise your confidence. If you say “i can’t do it“, you will not be able to do it anyway, but in line with this point of view, first believe that you will speak English very well.
- Be convinced that you need to spend a lot of effort and time to speak English very well.
- Speak to yourself on a certain topic in front of a mirror or camera. If necessary, speak it, even by looking at the paper or reading from somewhere, and then watch or listen to yourself. It will be good for you to listen carefully to your own accent in order to correct your mistakes.
- After practicing on your own for a while speaking find friends or teachers with whom you can practice through sites or applications such as Cambly or Busuu and practice speaking for a few hours a week, even if you are at a beginner level. You will see that over time, your Spoken English, which you spoke at a simple level at first, will gradually improve.
- Please Do not think in your native language while talking in a foreign language. It will challenge you to think in your native language. Remember that each language has its own characteristics. On the other hand, try to use certain simple English phrases in your brief speeches.

Common Challenges in Speaking English and Overcome
- Get sets focused on speaking English, such as the A.J. Hoge – Effortless English sets and listen a lot. While listening in this set, he will ask you some questions from time to time. Please try to answer these questions out loud to yourself.
- Do a lot of listening. Remember that the more English input there is, the richer the output, so the speaking part, will be.
- Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you are talking. It doesn’t matter if you speak wrong, as long as you speak English π Remember that your mistakes will decrease after a while.
- Do not think about grammar while you are talking in a foreign language. Thinking about grammar while speaking will stop you. Try to speak automatically as much as possible without thinking about grammar. (Even if it’s wrong)

How Long Take Speak English
Of course, the time it takes to learn to speak English will vary from person to person and depending on the time the person devotes time. In YouTube video advertisements on the internet, big men assertively say, “We will make you speak English in 5 days” or “You will speak it at a very short time” are not very realistic, so be careful. π
In other words, it would be beneficial to approach with some caution those people who say they will make you speak or fly in English in a very short time.
The most accurate answer to the question of “how long it takes to learn to speak English” is that “it depends on the person’s English level and devotion“. In addition, what will be the expected or targeted speaking fluency and level for this person? For example, it would not be realistic to expect someone who has just started lessons to immediately have an advanced speaking level. In this context, according to research conducted by linguists, the average time it takes for a person to learn a second language is 1 year, while the time it takes to speak it can reach 2 years, depending on the study and level.
However, of course, one can reduce these times by working very hard.
Tools and Resources for Improving English Speaking Skills

There are many courses or online English speaking sites and applications available on the internet. Naturally, they all claim that they are the best π On the other hand, in line with the experience of our team, we have evaluated some courses or educational institutions for you and listed them for you. Before moving on to the list, we would like to point out that; If your level is at least intermediate, we do not think you need to get support from any paid course or application to increase your spoken level.
It will be sufficient for you to make a friend who speaks English thanks to international social networks. Afterwards, you will see that you are improving yourself by doing little speaking practices at certain periods. At this point, it is possible to make friends on the free version of Busuu, one of the sites listed below, and teach your native language to the other party and practice with a native speaker in return.
English Conversation Online
As we have said, these web site or applications belove are βnearest speaking English Classesβ also due to they are all online π
If we list the best online English Speaking Courses;

It is possible to make friends and practice thanks to the website or the Busuu mobile application. On the other hand, if you purchase the paid Premium version, you can take much more detailed grammar, reading, vocabulary, listening and speaking lessons also.
Busuu is increasing its popularity as a widely used and well-known application for learning English.

With Cambly, you can practice with a real instructor whenever and wherever you want. Since it is possible to choose topics that interest you and that you like, there is a high probability that you will be willing to talk with Cambly π

As we all know, Skype is a communication program. So, although it is not about learning a foreign language per se, we wanted to add it to the list because it will enable you to speak English with a friend, instructor or anyone in the world.
By using the free Skype version, you will be able to increase your pronunciation level by practicing English via Skype with native speakers from international social friendship networks on the internet.

Duolingo, like Cambly and Busuu, is one of the most used and widely networked English speaking and learning applications recently. Thanks to the program, which allows you to speak by memorizing phrases, it could be used by students at all levels.
English Speaking Example Sentences
The shortest and most basic way to learn or improve English speaking is to memorize some short phrases. This won’t get you to speaking very well, but it will at least get you talking enough to solve the problem you need. For example, let’s say you go to London for a short touristic visit. Learning or memorizing short phrases that you will use on the bus, at the airport or in any cafe will be useful there.
In this context, we present some basic daily phrases for your information below. Learning these patterns and using them in your daily life will help you up to a certain point π
- How are you?
- What is your name?
- My name is John.
- Where are you from?
- I am from London.
- How old are you?
- I am 25 years old.
- Nice to meet you.
- Where have you been?
- How is life?
- What do you do?
- Can I get your phone number?
- Do you have an e-mail address?
- What can I do for you?
- What would you like to drink?
- I would like to drink tea.
- What do you think about X subject?
- Are you ready to give order?
- Let me introduce myself?
- How is the weather?
- It is rainy today.
- What do you think about Presidential election of US?