learn english free

Learn English Free: Tips for Learning by Yourself!

The phrase “learn English free” will seem like a very exciting concept to you if you are currently a university student or just starting out in your career. After all, when you consider the advantages and benefits that learning a foreign language will bring, it is very attractive to do this without paying money. On the other hand, nothing in life happens without effort, time and patience. In other words, even if you do not pay for it, just like every good thing, you will need to put in a lot of determination and effort while learning a language.

Even if the title sounds a bit like an advertisement, believe me, in this age where the world is becoming increasingly digital, it is really possible to learn this language in a large ocean like the internet if you “work in a planned manner and show determination”. There are thousands of examples of people who have achieved.

As we mentioned, it is possible to learn English free, but you need to spend time and effort. Of course, you also need to be good with the internet and digitalization. In other words, it would not be very realistic to expect someone who cannot use the Zoom application to learn a foreign language digitally.

learn english free

First of all, let’s list the personal prerequisites for learning English for free;

  • Desire
  • Intention to spend time
  • Effort
  • Digital competence
  • Daily repetition

As you can appreciate, learning is a process that requires constant repetition. In other words, if you do not use some applications or programs regularly, no matter how free they are, you cannot make progress. As a team that has previously learned a foreign language on its own, we recommend that you read this article carefully and apply the suggestions.

Just like laying the foundation of a building from scratch, you need to lay the foundation first to learn English. The foundation of learning a language is to master the structure and rules of that language. Below, we will talk about the applications and ways to learn a language on your own without paying any fees.

However, we need to do the right order first.

When learning English, follow the steps in order:

learn english free by yourself

What we want to emphasize here is that this order may vary from person to person. However, the only thing that will not change is that grammar comes first. In other words, you cannot read or speak English without learning grammar. In the first stage, you always need to lay the foundation of the building, that is, improve your grammar.

The ways to improve grammar in the Learn English free concept are as follows:

– Native Grammar Lessons: The important thing here is to find and study grammar lessons in your own native language and at a simple level on the internet. Here, you need to take notes and study grammar repeatedly. You should move on to the other stages after learning at least the basic tenses in your native language. At this point, we recommend, you research which course you will take according to your native language.

– YouTube Lessons: It is possible to find free grammar lessons on the internet. Especially if you are at an intermediate level, we recommend that you search for “intermediate level online English lessons” on YouTube. You can improve your grammar without paying a fee by watching a few trial videos from the results and choosing the lesson series that you find closest to your level and most understandable.

free english courses

Digital transformation projects, which have been gaining momentum with globalization, have now become a part of our social lives. Now, we all learn current developments from social media platforms during the day. It was not expected that the craze for learning a foreign language would not join this trend. At this point, it should be noted that the effort to learn English without physically attending any courses is becoming increasingly widespread.

Here, we will recommend that you make more use of world-famous social media platforms such as Reddit, Instagram and Facebook. In other words, you can develop this skill by joining one of the groups or communities created especially according to your own English level and practicing either speaking or writing. How you work while using these free resources is also very important. In other words, if possible, working by writing will be much more effective and productive than other types of work.

The fundamentally important point here is to work intensively by involving yourself and putting in the effort. In other words, sometimes practicing speaking English by yourself in front of a mirror, or reading about topics you are interested in at certain times and then writing your thoughts with your comments will help you reinforce the information you have acquired in social networks and communities.

In addition to all these, we recommend that you take advantage of free English learning applications such as Grammarly, Cambly, Duolingo, Memrise, BBC learning English. Each of these applications focuses on different topics. For example, one corrects your mistakes in English grammar, while the other allows you to take online lessons with free or paid teachers. Our suggestion for you is to try these applications one by one and continue with the ones that are suitable for you.

online language lessons

If you have read this far, it means that you have really made a certain progress. Now we will touch on the philosophy of learning a foreign language. In this context, we need to emphasize that; if you are at the beginning stage and do not have any foreign language knowledge, the tactics we have given for learn English free will seem a little strange to you. On the other hand, as people who have gone through these stages, we recommend that you follow these suggestions in order. In other words, first of all, you should definitely improve your grammar by learning it from a native source or videos, if possible.

After this, slowly read from a series of books suitable for your level in the beginning stage. At the same time, you should access English word lists from the internet and slowly start working on words, at least one word every day.

After this stage, apply the same routine weekly and start listening to English podcasts. At first, you will not understand almost all of what you listen to.

language learning tips

However, if you continue to practice listening to English without getting discouraged, after a while you will realize that you are slowly starting to catch some words and then sentences. This is how a foreign language is learned, don’t worry. The next step is to choose leveled books, which we call leveled books, from English books that are suitable for your level and read them occasionally. Be sure that as you read and understand even a small and little bit of what you want to learn in a foreign language, your pleasure and desire to learn will increase.

Ultimately, if you continue to do these steps in order, repeatedly and consistently, you will eventually achieve success.

English Articles and essays about language, books, learning English, reading for TOEFL and IELTS.
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