When we woke up on Saturday morning, October 7, 2023, we learned from televisions and social media that Hamas attacked Israel and killed hundreds of people, including civilians. The images that appeared on social media were full of blood and horror. Additionally, the fact that civilians as well as Israeli soldiers lost their lives horrified everyone. Although we have known about the war and conflict environment and tension between Israel, Palestine and Hamas for many years, such a planned and violent attack to the Israeli side by Hamas surprised everyone.
Then, after that attack, Israel launched missile attacks on Gaza on the same day, which was under siege as an answer. Israeli spoke person also stated that Gaza had cut off its water, electricity and connection to the outside world. At this point, this never-ending conflict environment, the Israel Palestine conflict and the history of tense Arab-Israel relations come to mind.

(Green part of the picture above is Palestinian land and blue is Israeli land by the time went on.)
Origins of the Israel-Palestine Conflict
So, Hamas, which stands for Islamic Resistance Organization according to themselves, has been declared a terrorist by almost all international institutions, especially the United States and the European Union. Hamas has declared its main goal as “ensuring Israel’s withdrawal to its lands before the 1948 Arab-Israel war” and “establishing the Islamic State of Palestine“. In this regard, on Saturday, October 7, Hamas crossed the Israeli border via the Gaza strip and carried out a series of attacks that caused the death of nearly a thousand Israeli citizens.
Hamas stated the reasons for the attacks were the Gaza strip, which has been under blockade for a long time, and the Israeli massacres, which they claimed have increased in violence recently. Actually this means again an Israel Palestine conflict. In Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been the target of protests and criticism for a long time as is known, stated that Israel’s response to this attack will be very clear and severe. In line with these statements, since Saturday, serious missile attacks have been carried out from Israel to the Gaza Strip and hundreds of Palestinians have lost their lives.
Moreover, Israel declared a State of War for the first time after the 1973 Arab-Israeli War. Additionally, the Rafah Gate on the Egyptian border, which is the only gate in the world to the Gaza Strip, which is already under siege, was closed. In addition, Israel cut off electricity and water and announced that no aid would be allowed to Gaza.
Reasons for Arab-Israel Conflicts
At this point, it is very clear that in order to understand the Israel Palestine conflict which is the unsolved problem and endless war of the Middle East, we have to understand the historical roots of this conflict firstly. Without understanding this, it will not be possible to understand Hamas, Israel or the behind-the-scenes of these attacks that took place on October 7, which will probably be the source of much larger conflicts.
Key Events in the History of the Conflict

When it comes to the conflict issue, it is necessary to look at several dimensions of the issue. When we approach it from this perspective, it is possible to say that the issue has two basic dimensions as religious and national. From a religious perspective, according to Jews, the lands of today’s Palestine, including Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem, are the lands promised to the Israelites in the Torah. On the other hand, according to Muslim Palestinians, the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is considered sacred according to the Islamic faith, should not be in Israeli hands.
If we look at this issue, which is an unsolvable religious impasse, from a national perspective, far-right Israelis claim that more than their current lands, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank belong to them. Palestinian Arab nationalists claim the opposite.
In other words, as it is seen the Arab-Israel conflict is in an impasse, both religiously and nationally.
What is Zionism? A Brief Definition
If we want to get to the historical roots of the Israeli Palestine conflict, which are the subject of the news almost every day, we must first go back to the end of the 19th century, that is, the last period of the 1800s. Of course, before we start this, we need to define “Zionism” as a concept first of all. We have already stated that Jerusalem is the sacred capital of the Jews. Accordingly, “Zion” is also the old name of Jerusalem.
In this concept, it could be said that Zionists are Israeli Nationalists who aim to establish a Jewish state in Palestinian lands with Jerusalem as its capital. Zionists with this belief convened the world Zionist congress in Basel in 1897, under the leadership of Theodor Herzl and a declaration was made that the State of Israel would be established. At that time, Jerusalem and Palestine were Ottoman lands, but the world public opinion, especially the Zionists, were aware that the Middle Eastern lands could not remain in Ottoman hands for a long time.

International Powers in Israel Palestine Conflict
In 1917, the course of World War I was determined and the Ottoman Empire, which was among the losers of the war, started to withdraw from the Middle Eastern lands. As a result of these developments, the Middle East, including Jerusalem and Palestinian lands, had now become a colony of Great Britain, known as the empire on which the sun never sets. During the approximately 30-year period from 1917 until Britain left the Middle East in 1948, the Jewish population in the Palestinian territories increased significantly. The population of Arabs in these lands, which were British colonies, decreased over time, and hundreds of thousands of them were forced to migrate to neighbouring Arab countries.
Even though it was counted among the winners of the World War II, England, which emerged from this conflict with diminished power, was no longer the empire on which the sun never sets. After this war, Britain, which transferred the title of world superpower to America, appealed to the United Nations in May 1948 and stated that it was withdrawing from Palestinian territory.
Thereupon, the Jews announced to the world that they had established the state of Israel in Tel Aviv on May 14, 1948. Then, this state was recognized by America within 24 hours. The next day, the other world power, the Soviet Union, announced that it recognized Israel as an independent nation and country. Afterwards, the United Nations issued a declaration at that time and stated that an independent Palestinian state would be established apart from the State of Israel.
The 1948 Arab-Israeli War and Its Consequences

All these developments shook the Arab world totally. The State of Israel, which had relatively more modern weapons and a trained army at that time, has continued to strengthen its existence from that period to the present day, despite the reaction and attacks of the Arab world. In fact, after the establishment of the Israel state, it always developed and enlarged its lands against Palestine during the wars it waged with Arab states, including the Six-Day War of 1967.
In this context, many large and small wars took place between Israel and the Arab states, but the most well-known ones are as follows. By the way, the issue has developed not only as the Israel Palestine Conflict but also as the Arab-Israeli Wars.
Arab Israel War of 1948
As we have stated before, Britain or England which lost its power after the World War II., left the Palestinian territories in May 1948 and reported this situation to the United Nations. The State of Israel, which was established thereupon, was quickly recognized by western countries. However, despite this, the Arab League countries reacted strongly and immediately declared war on Israel. Israel Palestine conflict was related to that conflict also.
Israel responded to these countries with its well-prepared army and weapons at that time, and emerged victorious from this war by expanding its territory further. Consequently, it was obvious that after the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians left their lands and Arab countries had to deal with internal turmoil after their defeat.
Yom Kippur War – 1973
Arab states led by Syria and Egypt, who were defeated in the 1948 War, did not forget this and made a surprise attack on Israel on Yom Kippur, the Jewish holy day, in 1973. At the beginning of these surprise attacks, the Arab states made serious progress and captured the Golan Heights.
In the clashes that lasted for days, Israel first stopped the Arab countries, then repelled them and counter-attacked. At the end of this war, Israel maintained its pre-war situation and Arab countries could not achieve their goals.

Six-Day War of 1967
“The superiority that Israel has gained over the Arab League countries in the wars since its establishment” has caused these countries to experience internal turmoil and their national honor to be damaged. Ultimately, these countries, led by Egypt and Syria, declared war on Israel in June 1967. In the wake of this war, known in history as the “Six-Day War” because it lasted six days, Israel eventually nearly quintupled its territory and gained a decisive victory against the Arab League countries.
At that time, its relatively modern and well-equipped army and intelligence network had very strategic impacts on the war. Following the war, the United Nations issued a resolution demanding that Israel withdraw from territory won by the war, including the Golan Heights and the West Bank. Although Israel initially accepted this demand, it later announced that it had annexed the lands it had captured in Six-Day War.
Efforts for Peace: Agreements and Diplomatic Attempts
The Israel Palestine conflict which is based on centuries-old religious and national beliefs, is actually a deeper and more fundamental issue than is known. The solution to this problem, which has caused the death, exile and torture of hundreds of thousands or even millions of people to date, is also quite complex. The most talked possible solution, also mentioned by independent commentators, historians and United Nations resolutions; It is expressed as “Israel’s return to its borders before the 1967 war” and the “establishment of an independent Palestinian State with East Jerusalem” as its capital.
We leave it to the discretion of you, dear readers, how likely it is for this to happen. It is evident that; unfortunately, conflicts in the relevant geography, including the Israel Palestine conflict will continue at least in the near future.

On the other hand, in this concept it could be said that 2024 US Presidential election and the course of Russia Ukraine war will be very important for Israel Palestine conflict and situation of the Middle-East.