improve yourself tips

Improve Yourself Tips: Language and Coding!

While we follow the daily news on television and social media, we encounter almost every day a new artificial intelligence revolution. New artificial intelligence inventions of the world-famous OpenAI Company continue to surprise us all which converts text into visuals or sound waves into pictures. In a period where technology is rapidly developing globally and knowledge has become so important, the phenomenon of “continuous of improve yourself ” is very important. In every country, people who know coding are sought, especially in the software industry. Additionally, the need for employees who have reached a certain level of development in other sectors is increasing day by day. As people who live in such a period, we should think about what we need to do today in order to “survive” in the simplest sense in the future.

improve yourself tips best

Otherwise, our risk of facing the problem of “irrelevance” increases which Noah Harari, the author of the world-famous book Sapiens, frequently mentions in his another great work Homo Deus. We recommend you to read our relevant article to learn the details about this concept. In this direction, everyone should take steps to improve themselves in a planned and strategic manner, starting from high school or university, if possible. On the contrary, if you do not take these steps and waste all those years, there is a high probability that you will regret not improve yourself sufficiently in the future stages of the technological revolution. Remember, there will come a day when many professions and jobs will disappear thanks to technological breakthroughs.

improve yourself with a new language

On the other hand, new professions and jobs will arise and accordingly, the need for people with new knowledge and skills for these new jobs will increase rapidly. We recommend that you prepare for those days now πŸ™‚ Let us also point out here that we wrote this article for our friends who have big goals and dreams. If your goal is to be an average person and employee, stop reading the article here please πŸ™‚ Yes, it may sound clichΓ© to you but the issue where we are still far behind in the topic of “improve yourself” is knowing a foreign language. Especially if your native language is English, you are not very willing to learn another language. Are you? πŸ™‚

Let us state from the beginning that we wrote this article for those whose native language is not English. Afterwards, we recommend you to take a look at our articles in the English learning category by clicking here. For example, almost everyone still marks their English level as “intermediate” in application forms filled out before job interviews or in job applications made online. The strange thing is that many candidates who mark their English level as intermediate unfortunately get stuck when it comes to speaking English in interviews.

In other words, improving English grammar or vocabulary very well is unfortunately not enough in professional business life. You also need to take steps to speak English. However, it is necessary to be at a certain point in writing English as well as speaking.

learn english and improve yourself

On the other hand, some companies may want you to only correspond or e-mail with their international customers, rather than talking. Such companies and job opportunities exist especially in sectors that require logistics or operational work. At this point, your English writing proficiency, as well as speaking, will become very important. Let’s say you developed all your foreign language skills before or just after graduating from university. Now it’s time to document your skills πŸ™‚ In this regard, we recommend that you take one of the English proficiency exams.

If you have not read it, we also recommend you to read our TOEFL vs IELTS article on this subject. If you do not have time to read that essay right now, we kindly ask you to go immediately and get a TOEFL certificate with at least 85 πŸ™‚ Nowadays many companies or educational institutions want you to get one of these proficiency certificates instead of testing your English. In this context, obtaining such a document at the stage of entering business life will pave your way and enable you to make progress in self-improvement.

learn a new language

Technological devices such as mobile phones, tablets and smart watches have now become indispensable in our lives. Naturally, the applications and games on these devices have also become very popular. This is where software developers come into play. In other words, in an environment where billions of people use mobile phones, the number of applications and games on these phones or tablets is increasing. We see almost every day that everyone is playing games with their mobile phones in the subway or public transportation πŸ™‚ In line with that both these applications and games themselves and the advertisements in them have become a huge market. Here we are talking about a global multi-billion dollar market. Naturally, start-ups as well as big players have entered this market.

There has been a huge explosion of demand worldwide for coders who write these applications and games. So improve yourself and become a software developer πŸ™‚

coding languages and improve yourself

If there are people around you who are software developers or amateurs in this field, definitely go and talk to them. There are software developers who work remotely and work within the country or abroad and earn serious income in USD. Additionally, the interest and demand for software developers in the job market continues to increase day by day. In this context, we need to point out that this software developer shortage is not a simple labour market problem that will be closed in a short time.

In other words, the person who turns himself into a good and sought-after software developer will be one of the most popular employees in the job market for a long time.

After emphasizing the importance of the subject, now it is time to recommend some programming languages. Below we have listed some basic programming languages that you need to know (at least).

It is possible to learn these languages in a basic sense on your own. Be sure that you will find many videos for free with a short internet search πŸ™‚

improve yourself  with programming languages

You have finished school, your foreign language skills are very good and you know basic software languages. So, you followed the advice to improve yourself and now you are a a great employee now. It may seem like the job is done, but actually it is not! Just as humans get the necessary energy from food, our brain also gets nourishment from the sources it as it reads. In addition, it is very difficult for people who have very high technical knowledge but whose emotional intelligence (EQ) is not good enough to be a good team player.

At this point, we should make reading books a habit in order to exercise our brain better, increase our social intelligence and raise our intellectual level to the next level. This will turn you into “a natural leader” over time. Remember, if you become a language-speaking and intellectual person in the later stages of your career, your chances of becoming a senior manager will increase.

read book and learn new worlds

After all, this article was written for our friends who have big goals πŸ™‚ Everyone has books that they enjoy according to their particular taste. However, there are also some books that should be read at an intellectual level. So, if the book of Crime and Punishment comes up in a high-level meeting or dinner, it would be nice if you could talk a little about the subject. Or if you talk about War and Peace, you will be impressive. Also, let’s not forget that such classics develop people’s imagination. Let’s not forget that people with rich imaginations are more creative and achieve more success in business life.

However, we should not forget, for example, the masterful use of analytical thought in Dostoyevsky’s works and the deep analysis ability embedded in almost every line.

world classics list book

Reading such books will enable the development of our mind and logic, as well as the world of thought, along with our imagination. We would like to remind you again that managers with advanced intellectual levels and who inspire other people are sought-after managers in today’s world. The way to achieve this is to develop social skills as well as technical skills such as foreign languages and software. To achieve this, reading world classics would be a good start.

In this sense, the top 10 world classics that we recommend you to read to improve yourself are as follows:

  • Crime and Punishment
  • War and Peace
  • The Brothers Karamazov
  • Les Miserables
  • Anna Karenina
  • The Last Day of a Condemned Man
  • What men live by?
  • Love and pride
  • Romeo and Juliet
  • Lily of the valley
English Articles and essays about language, books, learning English, reading for TOEFL and IELTS.
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