Hurricane: A Detailed Guide to Understanding and Surviving the Storm

We do not want to overwhelm you with boring meteorological terms here. In other words, we will discuss the subject in a way that people who are not trained in the academics also can understand easily. Essentially, storm and hurricane words, which are also called tropical natural phenomena, are very similar concepts. However, there is a difference in speed and pressure between them.

When it comes to meteorology and heavy rainfall, we are shocked by news of floods in the Americas or Asia, especially during the winter months. Heavy rains paralyze life in these regions. However, the phenomenon of global warming now causes such natural disasters to occur in other parts of the world. In other words, even countries that have not previously experienced natural disasters such as rain, floods or hurricanes are now faced with these situations.That’s why we need to have more detailed information about such phenomena. In addition, we need to minimize the damages that may occur by taking precautions.

Generally, storms with force speeds exceeding 150-200 km per hour are said to have turned into hurricanes. In this context it could be said that cause of storm and hurricane formation is usually pressure differences. In other words, a storm occurs when the air flow from extremely high pressure passes to low pressure. These natural events and disasters generally occur in sea or ocean regions.

hurricane daniel

Accordingly, high pressure and strong winds from the ocean cause natural disasters if a storm collects water particles and carries these water masses to residential areas. By the way, hurricane is also called a typhoon in the American continent. Strong storms are also defined as cyclones in America continent when they turn into hurricanes.

What was the Storm Daniel and Details?

If you have searched for Tropical Storm Daniel or Hurricane Daniel on the internet and came here our web site, you may have seen that other sites are full of similar, even copy contents and technical terms. Here, we will try to enlighten you with our original and understandable content. Until recently, when we mentioned hurricanes or storms, we always thought of hurricanes, storms, typhoons or floods in the United States or the American continent due to their climate. However, with global warming and climate changes, regions where storms or hurricanes were not common in the past are now at risk.

In this context, Storm Daniel which we have heard about frequently in the last month, is one of them. Hurricane or Storm Daniel first affected Southern Europe, then Greece and Bulgaria, then descended to the Mediterranean regions and destroyed Libya and especially the Libyan city of Derna.


Storms or Hurricane Daniel Impacts!

As we mentioned in the definitions of storm and hurricane, tropical Storm Daniel, which was formed due to the pressure difference, first hit Greece on September 4, 2023. Serious material damage occurred in Greece, which received record rainfall at historical levels. Due to floods caused by Storm Daniel approximately 15 people lost their lives in Greece. Afterwards, approximately 5 people lost their lives in Burgas province because Daniel Strom that had devastating impacts in Bulgaria. Then, 5 people lost their lives due to the storm that affected Turkey. However, Storm Daniel showed its most devastating impacts in Libya.

Almost a quarter of the Libyan city of Derna was destroyed and half of it was flooded. Ten thousand people have disappeared so far due to Storm Daniel in the Libyan city of Derna where approximately 5 thousand people have died so far. Moreover, it is estimated by international organizations that this number exceeds twenty thousand. On the other hand, apart from the city of Derna, floods and loss of life also occurred in the cities of Benghazi and El Marj.

daniel storm

As scientists always say; “Disasters do not kill, but structures or people’s negligence kill.” If we think in this context, considering the deaths and material damages in regions where earthquakes, storms, hurricanes and other natural disasters occur, it is seen that deaths and damages are higher in undeveloped or developing countries. In other words, when the same hurricane occurs in a developed western country, the number of casualties is very low but when it occurs in an undeveloped or developing country, catastrophic losses and destruction occur more and more. This issue also needs to be carefully considered by communities and politicians of those countries.

Why Storm Daniel Destructive: Preparing for a Hurricane

Unfortunately, Storm Daniel caused floods and loss of life in Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey. However, this tropical Storm Daniel changed its direction from north to south after Turkey and turned towards Libya. As a result, the highest rainfall in history occurred in Libya. It is obvious that the hurricane caused more damage in Libya than other countries. Accordingly, there are several reasons why Hurricane Daniel was more destructive and deadly in Libya.

hurricane daniel libya

These reasons could be said as;

– The hurricane increased its intensity when it came to Libya,

– The collapse of two large dams in Libya due to Hurricane Daniel,

– Structures in Libya are not resistant to floods

In the city of Derne, which was devastated by flood waters, 2 dams collapsed. The people, who have stated for many years that the dams are old, neglected and therefore risky, organized demonstrations in the streets after the dam overflowed. Authorities attributed the deaths of thousands of people and the loss of tens of thousands of people to the floods caused by Storm Daniel. On the other hand, despite these statements, the people were not convinced and did not give up their demonstrations.

As we have just mentioned, while similar natural events do not cause so many deaths in western countries where developed and responsible governments in control, the collapse of dams and deaths of people in Libya is thought-provoking. According to independent international experts, it is too early to determine whether the two collapsed dams would cause this much damage. Future research will shed light on this subject. On the other hand, Hurricane Daniel destroyed dams and buildings across the country, causing thousands of people to die, as well as leaving people homeless and causing great financial damage.

daniel derna libyan city

The Route of Hurricane Daniel?

According to climate experts, Hurricane Daniel which turned into a tropical disaster after a while, reached its peak after heading south towards Libya after hitting Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey. In this context, the impact of Storm Daniel has diminished. It is seen that the path of Hurricane Daniel has not moved towards any country or city after this time and its impact has ended. According to experts, such storm or hurricanes will be seen more and more in the world, especially as the impacts of global warming gradually increases. At this point, necessary precautions must be taken by international organisations and countries to reduce the impact and destructiveness of hurricanes.

For example, it is assumed that the deaths caused by Storm Daniel would have been much less if it had not been for the flood caused by the two dams that collapsed in Derna, Libya.

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