being a good person

Being a Good Person and Career Relationship!

Don’t ask what the relationship is between management science and being a good person in career. According to research, employees have higher loyalty towards their managers who they believe are good people. Naturally, this is reflected in employee productivity and company profitability. By the way, please do not think that this transition period is short-term. Especially in the medium and long term, corporate companies enjoy the advantage of this situation.

On the other hand, if you are an old-style, rigid and commanding person, people will be afraid of you. In line with this, maybe your orders will be fulfilled in the short term and your employees will follow the tasks you give them to the letter. However, in companies where such people are managers, the concept of quiet quitting will spread among employees along with all other negativities. It is clear that this situation will have a negative impact on company profitability and employee productivity especially in the long term.

be well and help others

Ultimately, being a good person will enable you to be happier person, and it will also enable the company you own or work for to become more efficient and profitable in the medium and long term. Now let’s analyse this situation, which is always mentioned in new generation management systems, in more detail.

This question is perhaps a question that people have wondered about the answer throughout the ages. Philosophers and thinkers have thought about it and could not reach a consensus. According to some, being a good person (and career) is someone who does not hurt anyone, does everything he is told, and has reached full maturity. However, there are also those who find this definition too naive. People who agree with this view believe that when it comes to being a good person, a completely soft-faced person who does everything he is told should not come to mind. According to them, such people are seen as naive in the world and it is impossible for them to be successful. It depends on which perspective you are looking to world.

If we look at the stages or ways of being a good person (in career of course also) the light of this information, we will encounter three basic abstract concepts or systems.

If we divide humans into three spiritual systems, the following occurs:

– Conscience – Represents goodness.

Whisper/Devil πŸ™‚ – Represents evil.

– Mind – Decision Maker

being good person and career management

Conscience: Here, we will make an evaluation based on international principles, regardless of all beliefs. So, it should be noted that; in all religions or belief systems, “conscience” represents goodness. At this point, for example, when making a decision or considering all the positive or negative aspects of a situation, our conscience advises us not to take an action that is to the detriment of the other party.

On the contrary, the other side, which we define as the whisper or the devil, whispers primarily about acting selfishly, acting for our own benefit, and not thinking about the other party.

Whisper/Devil: Sometimes, a voice inside us always tells us negative things in difficult situations. In fact, it’s as if someone whispers this negative into our ear. Well, this negative voice is the exact opposite of conscience. Let’s call it evil or pessimism. In the face of such negativities, if we have nourished our conscience well and have a mature character, our mind will listen to our conscience.

At this point, let’s close the subheading without further ado by suggesting that if you are a believer, you should not follow the devil. πŸ™‚

Mind- Decision Maker: In the face of the events we encounter during the day, we are momentarily stuck between the above-mentioned conscience and the devil. This is completely valid for management as well. In other words, in the face of a difficult situation we encounter at work or in the office, correct advice and suggestions come to our mind from two opposing voices at the same time. This is where our mind comes into play as the top decision maker. The mind forces itself to make the best decision and chooses one of these two voices.

manager and being good person career

Of course, it should be noted that; In these moments, a well-developed mind pushes the conditions to find a third way outside these two voices, even if it is exceptional, and sometimes it does. At this point, it is necessary to draw attention to the difference between intelligence and reason. Because throughout history, many people with brilliant minds have not been successful due to either laziness or bad intentions.

The clearest answer to this question is self-improvement. In other words, although not directly, there is an indirect connection between being a good person (and career at the same time) and self-improvement. If we consider that conscience is the strongest supporter for the correct use of the mind, we must state that a person who improves himself will also develop his mind in a positive way through his conscience.

The most important stages of self-improvement are:

– Reading books

– Learning foreign language

– Knowing Mathematics and History

– To empathize

We do not want to go into deep philosophical analysis here. However, it is necessary to consider that book lists can be divided into millions of subheadings. If you ask which source you should read, we would say everything you love. Reading novels, magazines or even newspapers regularly will improve your mind and contribute to your maturation. In this regard, even reading economic resources in the office environment or in the business world will contribute to the sharpening of your mind.

Learning a foreign language will exercise our brain in many ways and strengthen our mental faculties. In other words, our reasoning power will also be improved by learning a foreign language. At this point, we want to emphasize again the importance of language knowledge in terms of career development and management skills. In addition to English, French or Spanish are also among the common languages.

Finally, under this heading, we would like to touch upon the relationship between empathy and being a good person.

good person and career ladder

For example, you are in a managerial position at a workplace and your employee comes to your office embarrassed with a mistake he made. In that case, no matter how much the consequences of this mistake hurt you, be sure to show some empathy to your employee before giving effective feedback. So, first put yourself in his shoes and then start criticizing or judging him. This will both support your personal development and make your job easier on the path to becoming a good manager.

Remember, you have been through those roads too, and please do not treat other people the way you would not want to be treated.

well treatment is important in business life

We believe that it is time to break this pattern that has formed in all societies. In other words, almost all of us have a prejudice that when you are a good person, the people around you or your employees will immediately come, exploit and use you. When we look at it with a rational, impartial and questioning eye, we see that this issue is a little different. At this point, let’s understand the difference between being a good person and showing the right tone and stance. So, for example, if you are a manager and you show a tolerant towards your employee who does not do his job or neglects it, this is not about being a good person but your style.

What we mean is: taking the employee in this example in an empty room and giving him the necessary warnings in the right language and tone does not mean that you are a bad person. Please let’s make a clear distinction here.

We wanted to analyse this issue under the title of exploiting. Yes, in business life, the employees whom you manage, will try you, especially if you have just started in that company, but this is very normal. You had probably tried a new manager as your supervisor early in your career. In this context, being a good person and understanding the boundaries of a person you have just met are different from each other.

Be a true and good person, but take a stance that will establish authority towards your employees, when necessary, without compromising your character. This does not mean that you are bad. At first, your employees may find this arrogant or call you antipathetic. However, if you communicate correctly and show sufficient emotional intelligence (EQ), they will understand and even love you over time.

English Articles and essays about language, books, learning English, reading for TOEFL and IELTS.
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