COP28: The Results of Climate Conference

The occupancy rates in the dams are decreasing very much… Will we be left without water this summer? Was a tornado seen in New York? Roofs of houses were blown off during storms in Denver… On the other hand, world leaders are coming together in United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi as part of the COP28 conference series. It is very important to understand this summit well in the shadow of the climate crisis and change discussions.

Yes, lately, in the news, on television and during commercial breaks, such news attracts our attention and bothers us, right? So, why are the summers getting hotter and not raining enough anymore? Is the issue of carbon emissions real? Are climates really changing or is this only a conspiracy theory? Questions questions 🙂

cop28 meaning

In this context, concepts such as climate crisis and climate change have recently entered our lives. Accordingly, COP28 summit is the climate change conference which stands for “Conference of Parties” (COP) and meets annually. The conference is happening in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in this year.

Actuall, climate crisis and climate change issues have become very popular topics, along with green energy and transformation. It is important that you at least have an idea about this issue in the context of career management and personal development.

cop28 summit

The full meaning of the term COP is “Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change“. In short, it is expressed as COP as the “Conference of the Parties“. To put it briefly and in a language we can all understand, the climate conferences held annually and organized by the UN are called COP. Moreover, COP28 will be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates this year. By the way, let us give you some intermediate information that COP27 was held in Egypt in November 2022 and COP29 will be held in Australia in November 2024 🙂

Speaking of the 2023 Climate Conference, if you remember, in the past years, sometimes Russian President Putin, sometimes US President Trump or some political leaders boycotted the conference of the parties within the scope of COP28 or attended at a lower level than the head of state.

In fact, in this environment where the world is getting so hot day by day and the risks of natural disasters are increasing with the melting of glaciers, wouldn’t it be bad if we put political struggles aside and focus on this issue together as a world?

climate conference 28

The first COP negotiations which are based on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change were held in Germany in 1995 among the countries that signed the agreement It came into force in 1994 and then spread globally.

In addition, KYOTO Protocol is an international protocol or agreement in which the countries that signed thein 1997 undertake to reduce greenhouse gases and emissions by minimizing people’s own intervention with the natural climate.

On the other hand, it was brought to the agenda and signed during the COP21 negotiations in Paris in 2015, within the scope of combating the climate crisis. Accordingly, countries that signed the Paris Climate Agreement have committed to take measures to limit the global temperature increase to 2 degrees in order to prevent global warming. In this context, they have naturally committed to reducing carbon emissions. COP28 is a continuation of these agreements and efforts.

climate crisis conference 28

The summit have been held in Dubai, UAE, with the participation of all world leaders and country heads of state or their representatives between. The summit, which basically aims to reduce global warming, was convened to discuss issues related 30.11.2023 and 12.12.2023to this.

Meanwhile, on 30.11.2023, that is, the first day of the COP28 Climate Conference, proposals were accepted to “provide financial support” to the countries most damaged by climate disasters. This stands out as one of the most critical decisions taken so far within the scope of the COP negotiations. However, it has been announced that US President Biden will not attend the the summit, where more than 70 thousand participants are expected to attend from more than 200 countries around the world.

cop28 uae agenda

COP28, which convened with the agenda of combating global warming, climate change and climate crisis, wants to increase the applicability of the decisions by receiving the support of powerful countries such as America, China, Russia and EU countries.

On the other hand, the summit, which basically puts inter-country energy transformation solidarity and inter-country cooperation on its first agenda, also has other side agenda items.

The topics on the agenda of the COP28 Climate Summit are generally:

  • Global events after COP27 and a general situation assessment
  • Latest developments in carbon capture technologies by increasing energy efficiency
  • Negotiations on financing climate change,
  • To ensure fair participation from all countries in the conference,
  • The issue of completely eliminating fossil fuels or minimizing their use within the scope of the climate crisis,
  • Trying to keep global warming to 1.5 degrees,
  • Preventing the spread of greenhouse gases,
cop28 results

On the other hand, the announcement that Al Jaber, CEO of the UAE Abu Dhabi National Oil Producer, will be the president of COP28 summit at the beginning of 2023 surprised the entire public. Because this company is one of the top three companies that use the most fossil fuels in the world, and this itself contains a contradiction.

Actually, these issues were discussed at COP27 and it was understood that no serious progress had been made yet. Furthermore, it has been confirmed that we are far from the goal of keeping global warming at 1.5 – 2 degrees. Finally, in the Climate Change context, it should be noted that the “loss and damage fund” is adopted at COP28 is a very important development.

Another view within the scope of the Climate Crisis phenomenon is that “there is actually no climate crisis, it is a very natural climate change.” According to this view, which gained strength during Trump’s presidency in the USA, people are being deceived by the fear of the climate crisis.  Accordingly, Proponents of this view, the secret rulers of the global system use such concepts to maintain their own power and management. (COP28 Official web page please click.)

Ultimately, it should be noted that; although there are opposing views, there is a reality of global warming that we are experiencing in the world, and this reality carries the risk of turning into a climate crisis in the near future, if not now. At this point, it is very clear finding a global solution to this global problem requires global cooperation. (As Noah Harari Says.)

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