The Brothers Karamazov plot summary, characters, review, synopsis and main message of Dostoevsky’s last masterpiece! Alyosha and the Murder!
The Country of White Lilies: Finland, the Land of “Suomi”
Country of White Lilies: Finland and Birth of a Nation. Characters, Snellman, Plot Summary and Main idea.
The Last Day of a Condemned Man
Last Day of a Condemned Man Quotes, Analysis, Plot Summary, PDF Review and main characters.
Sapiens : A Brief History of Humanity of Harari!
Yuval Noah Harari and his best seller book Sapiens: A Brief History of the Human Species from Sapiens & Animals to Gods book review, summary and synopsis.
What Men Live By Book : Life Stories of Tolstoy
Leo Tolstoy’s book named What Men Live By consists of short stories and tales which give 3 important lessons to humanity.