Animal Farm by George Orwell: A Complete Guide of Shocking Tale!

When George Orwell is mentioned, his world-famous novel 1984 comes to mind. Whenever people complain about politicians or think that they do not live in a sufficiently democratic country, they immediately refer to this famous book. However, British author Orwell has another masterpiece of political satire that perhaps has not received the value it deserves. […]

Grapes of Wrath: Analysis of of John Steinbeck’s Masterpiece

The history of world literature is generally full of novels that deal with emotional and painful events. While reading these works, sometimes we feel sorry for Prince Andrei, as in War and Peace, and sometimes we feel pain while spending the last day of the Condemned Man with him. In line with that the Grapes […]

Dostoevsky’s Shocking Notes from the Underground: Our Tale!

When it comes to world literature classics and especially Russian classics, one of the first names that comes to mind is Dostoevsky. His works that analyse the human soul and are full of deep analyses attract us. When reading Crime and Punishment, we feel the Raskolnikov character in our bones, and when we finish The […]

How Democracies Die: Shocking Lessons and Saving Democracy!

This book, which was published in 2018 and entered the bestseller lists of famous newspapers such as the New York Times at the time, has started to become popular again these days when Donald Trump was elected as the US president for the second time. In line with this, we wanted to read the book […]

Anna Karenina: Tragedy and Beauty of Tolstoy’s Masterpiece!

There are some milestone novels in the history of world literature. The reader never wants such novels to end while reading them. Additionally, a person enjoys these literary works differently as they read it at every age. Along with this, they derive a different meaning from these works each time and capture different perspectives. The […]

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