donald trump

Trump: A White Supremacist or Patriot?

Think of his messy blonde hair and harsh statements… With his marginal words and style, he actually portrays the image of a television and showman πŸ™‚ In fact, we all knew him as the extraordinary US presidential candidate who was unlikely to win 2016 US Presidential elections. Later, when he was elected as the 45th president of America by turning all the polls and expectations upside down, everyone started to search for his name on the internet and tried to find out who he actually was. πŸ™‚ Yes, we are talking about Donald Trump …

America’s extraordinary and weird former president is on the agenda again as we move towards the 2024 American Presidential elections. In this context, we should underline that there are still various decisions coming from various courts about whether he can be a presidential candidate or not. The interesting thing is that while current president Joe Biden’s popularity is gradually decreasing in the polls, the MAGA (Make America Great Again) movement and Trump’s votes and reputation in the eyes of the public are increasing again.

donald trumo short bio

In this concept, in this article, we will go beyond the other classic and boring biographies on the internet and talk about real Donald by taking Trump’s extraordinary story, we actually ask his real identity (!) We will address the question from a different perspective. For example, did you know that the leader of the MAGA Movement, which has an extremely harsh attitude towards immigrants today, actually comes from a Scottish and German family?

In addition, as we approach the end of the year, attempted assassination by a 20-year-old to him in Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024 was an unforgettable moment. Yes, Trump, whose interesting life also included an assassination attempt, still seems to have a slight lead over Kamala Harris in the polls despite Biden’s withdrawal from the race after this date. Then, isn’t it time to get to know America’s potential 47th president better?

Let us state from the beginning that Donald Jr. Trump is 79 years old. As we mentioned before, he was born in New York in 1946, from a family with five children who “later immigrated to the USA“. Trump then dropped out of high school and entered the military academy, which formed the basis of his current ideas. Afterwards, he studied business administration at an ordinary college and joined his father in the real estate sector. The interesting thing is that after graduating from the military academy, although he was quite patriotic and nationalist, he did not want to become a soldier or officer and preferred to be rich πŸ™‚

young donald trump

At that time, his father’s gradual growth in real estate business influenced him. When Donald finished his business education and took a job with his father, his father was now rich and had expanded the business considerably. However, if we compare it with the level Trump reached later on, his father wouldn’t even be considered rich compared to him πŸ™‚ He completed hundreds of constructions in New York his business period and gained a lot of fame and money with his projects such as Plaza Hotel, Tam Mahal Hotel and Trump Towers. So, we have to give him his due, as his friends say, “He is a very good salesman and knows how to market himself very well.” At that time, after finding the money, his aim was always to become a producer in Hollywood and he always wanted to see the lights shine on him.

The fact that he had established a real estate empire increased his popularity by the early 2000s. Although it had experienced ups and downs in the business world in certain times until that period, it has always managed to remain at a certain and naturally high level of wealth. During the relevant period, he turned into a real estate tycoon and managed to enter the FORBES richest businessmen lists. We don’t even get into the subject of their turbulent married life and separation πŸ™‚

At this point, he started producing the show “The Apprentice” and was truly successful in this field. In this program, he became famous with his words as β€œYou’re fired!”. The majority of adult Americans now knew him thanks to this program and his famous lines πŸ™‚ The competition lasted a long time. (Approximately 10 years) Contestants fought fiercely for the opportunity to work at Trump companies. Most of them were eliminated by Trump himself while he is shouting at them as “You’re fired!”

trump short biography

Although Trump had previously hinted that he would run for president but did not and he announced in June 2015 that he was now a candidate for the US presidency. In this context, Republican candidate Donald Trump started with old and classical conservative discourses. (For instance MAGA :)) He, who used negative language against all immigrants, especially Muslims and Mexican immigrants, and spent a lot of money during the campaign, was not supposed to win the election. Contrarily, it was expected that her opponent, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, would win the election very easily.

It was seen as a very extreme idea for him to win. Because he offered marginal ideas such as that all foreigners should be expelled from the country. He also stated that he would establish better relations with Putin and Russia and that dialogue should be established with the North Korean leader. D.Trump, who shocked the whole world by beating Hillary Clinton and was elected President of the United States in November 2016, officially took office on January 20, 2017. At this point, let us point out that although he received 3 million fewer votes, he won the election by receiving more delegates due to presidential election system in the US.

During his presidency, he implemented sensational practices that would attract reactions from black people and immigrants, such as abolishing birth right citizenship, restricting some Americans’ citizenship, and suspending some of the visa-granting countries.

trump family

Trump, who had a turbulent presidency with accusations such as his relations with countries such as Russia, North Korea and manipulation of voter data in the 2016 election campaign, on the contrary, had a good economic performance period. During his period, US growth and unemployment figures developed very positively. In fact, as the 2020 US presidential elections approached, it was almost certain in public opinion and polls that he would be elected American President for the second time.

On the other hand, in December 2019, the Covid-19 virus that shook the world also hit the US presidential elections. Events such as then-President Trump’s initial statement that he saw the virus as an “ordinary flu” and later his recommendation to “drink disinfectant” shook his image in the US public. In addition, the delay in finding the vaccine was also backing him into a corner.

real donald trump

Ultimately, in the US presidential election held in November 2020, Democratic candidate Joe Biden was elected as the 46th president of America, beating Donald Trump. We recommend you read our article on the subject, “Can Trump win?” πŸ™‚ At this point, we have to state that as the November 5, 2024 US elections approach, the former US president’s popularity and chances of winning in public opinion polls are increasing. However, the January 6, 2021 Capitol Hill US Congress raid stands like a wall against his candidacy.

As you may remember, He, who stated that he did not recognize the election results, stating that results were illegal, directed his supporters to march to the US congress building, where the results will be officially certified. In the wake of his call, his supporters raided the congress building and clashed with the police, causing the death of a total of 9 people, including 5 police officers. In this context, based on the January 6 Congress Raid case, the number of lawsuits and decisions against him stating that he cannot run for office again, is also increasing.

47th us president

Additionally, we should point out that they have ongoing cases for crimes such as tax evasion and hiding official documents against Donald Trump. In connection with this, we should point out that; considering that he is the only president to have experienced “impeachment” twice in American history, it is clear that he will face serious obstacles in becoming a candidate. However, if he can overcome legal obstacles, it is possible that the 47th president of the USA will be Donald Trump again.

Moreover, although he is seen as an extreme and right-wing candidate in the eyes of Americans, there are not a few Americans who think that he is a great patriot and American nationalist. At this point, we leave it to your discretion as to whether he is just a fascist right-winger or a great patriot. πŸ™‚

trump assassination attempt

Finally, his strange life story was also added by an assassination attempt in Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024. Shot above the right ear by a 20-year-old young man named Thomas Crooks, Donald announced that he would hold another presidential rally in Pennsylvania. Isn’t this stubborn man practically challenging those who want to discourage him? This ambition and stubbornness is what makes him passionately supported by voters. Since he is currently ahead in the polls, we can say that Trump will be the 47th US President again. πŸ™‚

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