Learning English

Top 30 Most Common Verbs in TOEFL: Definitions and Examples

In our global world where generative artificial intelligence is widespread and digital transformation is accelerating, we have previously explained in detail the importance of knowing coding and English. In other words, if you are not middle-aged or older, you need to have these two competencies very well in the future, either for school or for your career. In this context, the most common verbs in TOEFL, the most valid exam worldwide that allows you to document your foreign language knowledge, are very important. If you do not have enough command of verbs in a language structure, you will have a hard time expressing actions. By the way online lessons are crucial also. (Free learning of course.)

In this context, we aim to give you the 30 most basic verbs here with explanations and sample usages. If you include verbs in your daily life and learn by taking notes, it will be much easier for them to be engraved in your mind. Remember, language is a very ungrateful concept and you start to forget the moment you do not work on it.

The 30 verbs here are the most basic verbs. In other words, you can determine categories according to your own area of ​​expertise or the subjects of academic articles and increase the types of verbs. For example, it is possible to specialize in law or finance by determining the most basic verbs and adding them to these basic verbs. In this way, you will use a much wider vocabulary in both the writing and speaking sections of the exam and will probably get a much higher score.(with grammar usage of course.) In this context the most common verbs in TOEFL is very important.

Remember that this exam, which is one of the most popular English proficiency exams and preferred by millions of students around the world, frequently uses certain words and verbs to measure your academic English skills. In this article, you can find the 30 most common verbs in TOEFL exam and sample sentences that will reinforce the meanings of these verbs.

1. Analyze

Meaning: To examine something in detail to understand it better.
Example: Scientists analyze the data to find patterns.

2. Assess

Meaning: To evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of something.
Example: The teacher will assess your performance in the exam.

3. Assume

Meaning: To take for granted without proof.
Example: Many people assume that learning English is difficult.

4. Clarify

Meaning: To make something clear or easier to understand.
Example: Could you clarify your point during the presentation?

5. Compare

Meaning: To examine similarities and differences between two or more things.
Example: We compared the two products before buying.

6. Contrast

Meaning: To show differences between things.
Example: The book contrasts the lifestyles of rural and urban communities.

7. Demonstrate

Meaning: To show clearly and prove something with examples.
Example: The experiment demonstrated the effects of heat on metal.

8. Describe

Meaning: To give details about something.
Example: Can you describe what happened at the meeting?

9. Determine

Meaning: To decide something based on evidence or facts.
Example: The results will determine the next steps we take.

10. Develop

Meaning: To improve or expand something over time.
Example: She developed her skills through constant practice.

11. Distinguish

Meaning: To recognize the differences between things.
Example: It’s important to distinguish between fact and opinion.

12. Emphasize

Meaning: To give special importance to something.
Example: The teacher emphasized the importance of hard work.

The TOEFL test evaluates your ability to use these types of verbs in the reading, writing, listening and speaking sections.

For example:

  • In the reading section, you may be asked to analyze the information used in a paragraph.
  • In the writing section, justification may be required to defend an argument.

Therefore, understanding and learning to use these verbs can significantly increase your success in the exam.

You should also follow these tips to better learn the most common verbs in TOEFL:

• Learn in context instead of memorizing: Reinforce your learning by creating example sentences.

• Practice listening and reading: Follow how these verbs are used in TOEFL-style texts and conversations.

• Create your own sentences: Write an example for each verb and practice reading them out loud.

In order to succeed in foreign language proficiency exams such as TOEFL, it is important not only to memorize these verbs, but also to learn how to use them in the right context. In this context, the list we have prepared for you is a great starting point to guide you in this process. Please remember to practice regularly to learn more.

13. Estimate

Meaning: To make an approximate calculation.
Example: We estimated the project’s cost be around $5000.

14. Evaluate

Meaning: To judge the value or condition of something.
Example: The study aims to evaluate effectiveness of the new policy.

15. Explain

Meaning: To make something clear by providing more details.
Example: The professor explained the theory in simple terms.

16. Identify

Meaning: To recognize or establish what something is.
Example: The police identified the suspect using CCTV footage.

17. Illustrate

Meaning: To explain with examples or diagrams.
Example: The chart illustrates the rise in temperature.

18. Indicate

Meaning: To show or point out something.
Example: The data indicates a significant increase in sales.

19. Interpret

Meaning: To explain the meaning of something.
Example: He interpreted the poem differently from others.

20. Justify

Meaning: To provide reasons for something to prove it right.
Example: You need to justify your decision with facts.

21. Measure

Meaning: To determine the size, amount, or degree of something.
Example: We need to measure the success of the project.

22. Modify

Meaning: To change something slightly.
Example: The plan was modified to suit the new requirements.

23. Predict

Meaning: To guess or estimate what will happen in the future.
Example: Scientists predict that global temperatures will continue to rise.

24. Present

Meaning: To show or offer something formally.
Example: He presented his research findings at the conference.

25. Prove

Meaning: To show that something is true.
Example: The experiment proved the scientist’s hypothesis.

26. Recommend

Meaning: To suggest something as the best option..

27. Reflect

Meaning: To think deeply about something.

28. Refer

Meaning: To mention or direct someone to information.

29. Summarize

Meaning: To provide a brief statement of the main points.

30. Support

Meaning: To provide evidence or help for something.
These were most common verbs in TOEFL.

My English Articles

English Articles and essays about language, books, learning English, reading for TOEFL and IELTS.

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